Good Reasons To Eat A Banana Today Say Ideaz

6 Good Reasons to Eat a Banana Today Say Ideaz

Good Reasons To Eat a Banana Today

Ever questioned what goodness is throughout a banana? other than being wealthy in vitamin B6, bananas square measure Associate in Nursing honest supply of antioxidants, dietary fibre and atomic number 25. Bananas are also fatless, cholesterol-free and nearly sodium-free. Therefore what do these mean for your health?

Ms Peggy Tan, Dietitian, Tion g Bahru Community Health Centre, a member of the Sing Health cluster, explains why bananas square measure smart for you and once you ought to eat them.

Health edges of bananas

Bananas square measure best fruit sources of vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is to boot smart for pregnant ladies as a result it helps meet their baby’s development desires.

Bananas square measure respectable sources of antioxidant

You may not associate bananas with antioxidants however a medium-sized banana can give concerning 100% of your daily antioxidant desires.

Vitamin C helps:

protect your body against cell and tissue injury,

your body absorb iron higher,

your body manufacture albuminoid - the supermolecule that holds your skin, bones and body along, and

support brain health by manufacturing 5-hydroxytryptamine, a secretion that affects our sleep cycle, moods, and experiences of stress and pain.

Bananas are good for your skin

One medium-sized banana provides or so thirteen of your daily atomic number 25 desires. atomic number 25 helps your body create albuminoids and protects your skin and different cells against radical injury.

Bananas are good for your heart health

A medium-sized banana can give around 320-400 mg of K, which meets 100% of your daily K desires.

Potassium helps your body maintain a healthy heart and sign. to boot, bananas square measure low in Na. The low Na and high K combination help to manage high signs.

Bananas facilitate beat epithelial duct problems

Soluble fibre helps your body manage your glucose level and procure obviate fatty substances like sterol. Insoluble fibre adds weight and softness to stools, creating it easier for you to possess regular viscus movements. This helps to remain your gut healthy and safe from harmful bacteria.

Bananas, particularly newly-ripened ones, contain starch that does not digest (resistant starch) in your viscus and is during a position to pass into the large viscus. Such bananas assist you to manage your weight higher as you keep full for extended.

That said, bananas will assist you to beat epithelial duct problems such as:


stomach ulcers, and


Bananas provide you with energy

Bananas contain 3 natural sugars – disaccharide, levulose and aldohexose – which activity you with fat and cholesterol-free supply of energy.

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