Can We Cure Diabetes?


Can we cure diabetes

Can we cure diabetes?

There are two types of diabetes 

  • Type One
  • Type Two

Both types are chronic diseases that damage the system of regulation of blood sugar and glucose. As we know, glucose is the fuel that feeds the body’s cells, but to enter your cells a key is needed and that key is insulin. People with type one diabetes do not produce insulin. It can be said that they do not have that key.

People with type two diabetes do not respond to insulin and after some time due to this disease, they do not make enough insulin. It can be said that they have broken the key. Types of diabetes can lead to chronically high blood sugar levels. That increases the risk of diabetes complications.

There is no cure for diabetes until now, but the disease can go into suspension. When diabetes goes into suspension it means that the body does not show any signs of diabetes, but still, the disease is present.

There are different forms of suspension of diabetes:


When a person has maintained a blood glucose level lower than that of a person with diabetes for at least one year without needing to use any diabetic medicines.


When the blood glucose level returns to normal levels completely outside of the range of diabetes and stays there for at least one year without any diabetic medicines.


When complete suspension takes place for at least five years. Even if a person maintains normal blood sugar levels for 20 years, a doctor would still consider their diabetes to be in suspension rather than to be cured of diabetes.


How to manage type one diabetes

Type one diabetes is an autoimmune disease that often develops during childhood. It occurs when the body mistakenly attacks the beta cells of the pancreas, removing their ability to produce the insulin that the body needs to use blood sugars correctly.

Receiving a diagnosis of type one diabetes can be discouraging yet many people manage the condition well, keeping symptoms and severe complications at the cove.


Treatment with Insulin

Insulin injections are the most common treatment for type one diabetes. People can themselves can manage these injections at home.

There is a very large range of insulin injections available. They differ according to how quickly insulin works and how long its effects last in the body. Insulin’s aim is to copy how the body produces insulin throughout the day about energy taken for the whole day. Insulin treatments work at different speeds.



According to results of clinical trials that took place in 2018, which were taken on humans, found that a drug named verapamil which is already a drug used to normalize blood pressure may be helpful for people with diabetes.

For people suffering from type-one diabetes, this drug seems to improve insulin production in the pancreas, reducing the need for regular insulin injections.

Whereas, FDA has not yet approved verapamil as a treatment for diabetes, even though it has shown many good results.


Managing type two diabetes

According to a study, it is easier for a person to reverse type two diabetes than type one. This is because type two diabetes is not an autoimmune disease and a range of outside forces and how the life is being spent or you can say lifestyle habits can make it bad.

That means type two diabetes is much more widespread than type one diabetes, it also means that a person with type two diabetes can make relatively simple lifestyle and dietary adjustments to bring their blood sugar levels back into the normal range.

Taking a healthy and proper diet and obesity both play a critical role in the development of type two diabetes. By adopting a proper diet and proper exercise you can reverse the symptoms of type two diabetes.

What are the Causes of type two diabetes?

People with type two diabetes have insulin resistance. The body still produces insulin, but it is unable to use it effectively. 

However, not sure, why some people become insulin resistant and others do not, but several factors may contribute, including being inactive and being over-weight.

Some genetic and environmental factors may also play a role. When you develop type two diabetes, your pancreas will try to compensate by producing more insulin. Because your body is unable to effectively use insulin, glucose will accumulate in your bloodstream.


How can we treat type two diabetes?

Type two diabetes can be managed and even reversed with diet and exercise alone, but many people need extra support. If lifestyle changes are not enough, your doctor may prescribe medicines that help your body use insulin more effectively.

To keep Monitoring your blood sugar is an essential part of type two-diabetes management too. It is the only way to know if you are meeting your target levels. 

Your doctor may recommend testing your blood sugar occasionally or more frequently. If your blood sugar levels are high, your doctor may recommend insulin injections.


How diabetes can be prevented

Type one diabetes cannot be prevented. By adopting the following lifestyle changes you can lower the risk of developing type two diabetes some of them are as follow

  • By maintaining a moderate weight

  • Consult your doctor to develop a diet plan to lose weight n if you are overweight

  • By increasing your activity levels

  • Have a balanced diet and reduce your intake of foods that contain sugar or overly processed foods

Even if you are unable to prevent the disease itself, careful monitoring can get your blood sugar levels back to normal and prevent the development of serious complications.

Major differences between type one and type two diabetes

As we know type one diabetes is an autoimmune disease. It occurs when the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas are destroyed, so the body cannot produce any insulin.

In type two diabetes, the damaged cells are still working. However, the body is resistant to insulin. You can say the body no longer uses insulin efficiently.

Type one diabetes is less common than type two. If the condition is diagnosed in childhood, it used to be called juvenile diabetes.

Whereas type two diabetes is more commonly diagnosed in adults, we are now seeing more and more children being diagnosed with this disease. It is more commonly seen in those who are overweight.


Gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a type that develops during pregnancy and resolves after the birth of the child.

Many diabetic medicines unsympathetically interact with a developing unborn baby; consult a doctor about pregnancy-safe alternatives for reducing blood sugar and boosting insulin.

People with gestational diabetes must control sugar intake and engage in regular, light exercise. However, if this does not have the desired effect, your consultant may prescribe insulin to control blood sugar levels.

According to the American Diabetes Association as they advise against using them during pregnancy.


Treatment with Surgery

If you are not successful in your diet plan and unsuccessful in working out then a person can reduce weight loss through bariatric surgery.

However, this is the last line of treatment for people with very high weight for whom no other treatment options have been successful.

This type of surgery involves reducing the size of the stomach, which helps people feel full after eating. Some types of surgery also change a person’s analysis and may alter hormones that contribute to weight gain.

Gastric band surgery and gastric bypass surgery are two typical examples of this medical intervention.

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