Strategies to Maintain Ideal Body Weight


Strategies to Maintain Ideal Body Weight

Strategies to Maintain Ideal Body Weight

Everything needs commitment so as it is Achieving and maintaining the ideal body weight takes some commitment, but having a healthy weight can be very beneficial for health if you are being overweight can increase the risk of developing serious health problems, like high blood pressure, and diabetes and maybe certain cancers.

By knowing your numbers and maintaining a fit lifestyle, you can keep your weight within a healthy range, avoid disease, and improve your overall quality of life.

How many calories do you need to lose weight?

Try to make sure that you are taking the right amount of calories; you will want to determine your Basal Metabolic Rate. Your Basal Metabolic Rate determines the number of calories your body needs to function while at rest and knowing your numbers can help you ensure that you are not taking large amounts of calories.

If you are taking more calories as compared to the calories you are burning, you can either add workouts to your day. If you are burning more calories than you are eating, then you need to exercise less or eat more Count your calories. 

Try to make a note of what and how much you eat and then check the value of those foods, that were taken by you and check how many calories were present in them. Ensure that the calories you are eating come from nutritionally dense foods, including fruits, vegetables, proteins, and carbohydrates.

Choose a variety of foods from each food group to ensure you are getting enough nutrients. These foods will give you a large amount of energy, vitamins, and minerals, and you can eat more of them while staying within your daily requirements of calories.

Food and Exercise

As we know, our weight is linked to our emotions about food and exercise. We should view food as energy and as a path to achieve good health, have more energy, and improve your overall quality of life Exercise can help boost your mood, increase the fight against any disease, and improve your energy levels.

Find other ways to meet your emotional needs, such as getting a massage, spending quality time with others, buying a new outfit, or a fun activity.


While drinking enough liquids, especially water is critical to maintaining overall health, but also may help you reach your ideal weight. 

1. Drinking water may increase how many calories your body burns for at least an hour

2. Staying well-hydrated help, your muscles and heart work more efficiently.



That People who are successful in maintaining their weight their progress depends on every step taken up to the scale regularly. If you note that your weight has gone up or down, you can take steps to control it, such as increasing or decreasing portion sizes or modifying your exercise routine.

Try to have a health notebook you can write down your food and activity ensure that you are tracking how you are meeting your goals


According to the study on average people are sleepless, if your weight is more sleeping for enough hours is an easy way to maintain your ideal weight, while also being a key part of an overall healthy lifestyle.

According to a study, most adults need 7- 9hrs of quality sleep on a regular schedule each night. When you are tired, you may be more likely to reward yourself with food.

Consistent diet

It is better to eat more on weekends as compared to eating the same types of food. Try not to skip meals. This can slow down your metabolism and you will burn fewer calories at rest. Keep healthy snacks on hand. You will stay satisfied without adding too many calories.

Eat Carefully

Try to smell your meal before taking a bite of your meal which will help you to feel satisfied. Put your fork down between bites, chew slowly, and sit at a table to eat. These changes can help you become aware of physical hunger and satiety cues.

Try to Practice shopping smart at the grocery store. Plan, bring a list and avoid shopping while hungry. This will help you choose healthy foods and avoid bringing home non-nutritious foods such as cookies or soda. Try to cook healthy recipes at home. Restaurant food is often salty, fatty, and highly caloric.

Preparing food in your own kitchen can help you develop healthy habits at meals and consume the right number of calories for your body.

Hard Work 

There will be an assurance that there will be setbacks or interruptions to your routine, so be prepared. Weight maintenance is a long-term commitment. Make a plan if you know that your health routine for weight maintenance will be challenged or interrupted.

Feeling as if you are in control can help you overcome discouragement and keep you motivated. 

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